Bare grønn

Just Green – Do you wish to be a provider to Bare Grønn – Nordic Green?

man in white shirt planting at daytime

Do you want to become a manufacturer of Just Green – Bare Grønn -Nordic 

Scandinavian Manufacturers

Do you want to become a manufacturer of Bare Grønn – Nordic Green or to promote your products to Europe America, Africa, Middle East, Orient, and Asia? Be seen globalLy Green Trading seeks quality Food products, raw materials, beverages, or other crafts of quality produced in the Nordic countries.
In the Nordic countries you food manufacturers we require that you must have HSC-number and equivalent approvals for traceability of the origin of the product so that traceability should be easy according to the applicable rules of export segments we seek manufacturers are:

Cured products
hams- fenaknoke, spekeskinke, Cured sausages/salami- dried reindeer-roasted wild products- dried meat products

 berries dried- fruit dried

– quince- pine needle- rhubarb- dried fruits and

– source water on bottled apple juice, apple cheese- berry juicer- compound juicer- juice water with and without carbonated – Energy drinks

– apple- Norwegian berries dried

– mushroom- herbs- tea- Seagrass- Infant formula milk

– Norwegian chocolate/confectionery- snacks

– energy bars- natural supplements- exercise products

 – Wool products

Design Art/furniture
glass art tableware- Nordic furniture

What we offer in Bare Grønn – Nordic Green Trading:

Profiling on an international web platform  that indexes on web browsers in Europe,  America, Africa,  Middle East, Orient, and Asia where we profile our products and manufacturers’ products- Translation of your products into English, Chinese and Arabic with product content that will be promoted to our sales network, partners and customers in the Middle East, Orient and Asia-drop even to have to be an importer abroad, our sales networks and partners assist our customers in – customers in the Middle East, orient and Asia with the import approval process to import your product, here we provide for collect -Digital information about their product in multiple languages where the basic language is English with translations into Norwegian, Chinese, Arabic and Norwegian Assistance with Label design and translation of product information – Be visible and understand be in a market with more than 4billion Consumers as end users- Get a partner/supplier with language opportunities in writing and orally from Swedish , Norwegian, Danish, to Turkish, German, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and English- Our expertise lies in analytics, B2B, B2C and cultur transparency or easier said: our job is to make sure that you are understood and are seen in the markets of Africa, America, the Middle East, the Orient and Asia, and ensure increased wage growth – Only Green Trading keep you updated on what documentation requirements are set according to the requirements of authorities in import countries (upgrade documentation to export destination/veterinary certificate.


What do you need to have in place:
– amount of units in each box and weight
– amount of boxes on a pall and weight
– product description
– own declaration for product – Mattilsynet (norwegian food authorities)
– photos of the products
– sample of the product for photo
– History of company and product history
– product photos and production photos

Approval of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority / origin declaration / verifications and approvals in order to be able to sell your goods overseas

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