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The most important health benefits of cloudberry include its ability to protect against cardiovascular diseases, detoxify the body, strengthen the immune system, and prevent certain cancers. It also helps slow the signs of aging, stimulate circulation, prevent diabetes, and improve digestion.
What is Cloudberry?
Cloudberry is a delicious fruit that comes from a rhizomatous herb scientifically known as Rubus chamaemorus. [1] Many people are unfamiliar with cloudberries because they primarily grow in arctic or alpine environments, as well as in boreal forests in the northern hemisphere. They are commonly grown in Russia, Northern Europe, Scandinavia, some parts of the British Isles, Newfoundland, Canada, and Alaska.
They are highly prized as culinary components, due to the quality of their juice and tar, and for their wealth of vitamins, minerals, and organic compounds (particularly ellagic acid) that can significantly benefit overall health. [2] These berries are often used in candies, jams, alcoholic drinks, and various other baked goods. They can also be eaten raw, but the flavor is quite tart, so most people prepare sweetened recipes.

Health Benefits of Cloudberry
Let’s take a closer look at some of the health benefits of cloudberry.
Boosted Immunity
The high content of vitamin C and vitamin A make cloudberries very beneficial to the immune system. Vitamin C stimulates the production of white blood cells and acts as an antioxidant, which neutralizes free radicals throughout the body. [3] Vitamin A, similarly, has carotenoids that act as antioxidants, protecting the skin and eyes from breaking down and aging.
Improved Circulation
Cloudberries are packed with iron as well as many other beneficial minerals. The iron content is specifically important for circulation, as it is a key component in red blood cell production. With enough iron in your diet, you reduce your chances of developing anemia.
Heart Health
Cloudberries have a unique component that most fruits lack, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. [4] The HDL or good cholesterol in cloudberries can actually help balance your cholesterol levels and reduce the strain on your cardiovascular system.
Cloudberries have long been used as a diuretic to stimulate urination. They help keep the body free of dangeroustoxins and eliminate excess water, salts, and even fat. [5] Also, they help relieve the pressure on the liver and kidneys as well when your body is regularly flushing itself clean.
Antioxidant Properties
Apart from the vitamin C in cloudberries, there are also certain phytosterols and carotenoids, not to mention the powerful effects of ellagic acid. [6] They have been linked to reducing the occurrence of cancer, slowing the aging process, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, and lowering the chances of chronic diseases. Cloudberries also have specific chemicals that are antibacterial and antiviral in nature, making it a very important fruit.
Digestive Health
The dietary fiber content in cloudberries makes it ideal for optimizing the digestive system. Fiber helps stimulate peristaltic motion, which reduces constipation, bloating, cramping, and other serious conditions such as gastric ulcers or cancer. Also, dietary fiber helps regulate insulin receptors in the body. This ensures the regular release of sugar into the bloodstream, which will prevent or manage type 2 diabetes. The phenolics in cloudberries also prevent gastrointestinalpathogens from developing. [7]

Improved Bone Health
Cloudberries are rich in magnesium, which is a key component of bone health, as it increases the uptake of calcium by the body. [8] This can help prevent osteoporosis and keep the bones healthy.

cloudberry (bakeapple) Quick Facts
Cloudberry (bakeapple)
Scientific Name:
Rubus chamaemorus
Rubus chamaemorus
Amber, pale red, golden to yellow
Subglobose, 1 cm in diameter
51 Kcal./cup
Major nutrients
Vitamin C (175.56%)
Iron (8.75%)
Carbohydrate (6.62%)
Vitamin B3 (5.63%)
Vitamin B2 (5.38%)
Health benefits
Strengthen immune system, Promotes circulation, Prevent heart problems, Eliminate toxins, Antioxidant activity

Cloudberry is a slow growing Rubus species that produces edible fruit. Botanically it is called Rubus chamaemorus which is derived from the Greek word chamai and morus which means dwarf and mulberry respectively. It belongs to rose family and is a close relative of raspberry, strawberry, apple and cherry. It is grown in alpine or arctic environment or boreal forest in Northern hemisphere. This plant is common in Northern Europe, Russia and Scandinavia. It is a perennial and low growing plant which grows in open tundra or boggy areas. The berry has six to eight drupelets that form a small and roundish berry. The unripe berries have sour taste, is red in color and hard. The berries are collected from July to August. It has delicious but slightly tart taste. These berries possess malic acid, citric acid, anthocyains, anthocyanins, α-tocopherol, β-carotene and provitamin A carotenoid. It also possesses sanguiin H-6 and ellagitannins lambertianin C. Cloudberries are a great source of Vitamin C. Cloudberries are used for the prevention of scurvy from early years. The leaves and roots are used for medicinal purposes.
The berries possess malic acid, citric acid, anthocyains, anthocyanins, α-tocopherol, β-carotene and provitamin A carotenoid. It also possesses sanguiin H-6 and ellagitannins lambertianin C. Cloudberries are a great source of Vitamin C. Cloudberries are used for the prevention of scurvy from early years. The leaves and roots are used for medicinal purposes. In Asia and Europe, it is found in Nordic countries, Ireland and moorlands of Britain, Northern Russia east, Baltic states and Pacific Ocean. It is usually found in marshes, bogs and wet meadows. The plant has the requirement of sunny exposures in acidic ground. It is sensitive to salt and dry conditions but can withstand cold temperatures below -40°C.
Cloudberry is a small plant with 5-20 cm high stem and leaves measuring of 3-7 cm long and 2-5 cm across. Stems are erect, simple and woody with pubscent leaves that have sparse and short glandular hairs. The alternate leaves have 3-6 cm petiole which are pubescent and possess short and glandular hairs in young. Leaves are pubescent, oblong, 5-10 × 4-7 mm in size and are brownish in color. It has orbicular or reniform, abaxially pubscent and is 4 to 9 cm in diameter. The inflorescences are terminal, one flowered and 3.5-6 cm pedicle. It has unisexual flowers measuring 2-3 cm in diameter having staminate larger than pistillate. The abaxially pubscent calyx and 1.5-2 mm tube. It has 4 or 5 sepals, erect, oblong and is 0.8–1.2 cm × 4–6 mm in size. The stamens are shorter in comparison to petals. Fruit is orange to red that becomes yellowish brown. It is glabrous, subglobose, 1 cm in diameter.

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