Raindeer Farming in the North in Scandinavia history

A little bit of Scandinavian quality

Reindeer herding is a small industry on a Norwegian scale, men in Sami and local contexts have a major impact on the economy, employment. nature and culture.


In Norway, reindeer herding originates with the Sami population. I have worked in Finnmark, Troms, Nordland and Nord-Trøndelag, as well as parts of Sør-Trøndelag, Møre- og Romsdal and Hedmark.

Just over 3000 people are connected to the Sami reindeer herding, 2200 of them in Finnmark alone, which is the largest reindeer country.

They also operates the reindeer herding through fire wild dressed reindeer farm in Sør-Norway: Lom, Vågå, Fram, and Filefjell reindeer lag. I have a distinctive reindeer herding, based on the slaughter of privately owned animals in Rendalen, Engerdal, and Trysil.

The number of reindeer varies from year to year, men there are currently about 250,000 domesticated reindeer in Norway, more than 185,000 of them in Finnmark. The composition of the herd is about 74 percent sims, 20 percent last year’s skull, and 6 percent Bulls. 


So the reindeer are small-scale produced meat with high quality, and the whole reindeer are used as in the Culture and in tradition to being thankful for what nature can provide.

Reindeer sausage from inland (30 items)

Deer sausage from inland (30 items)

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